Our facilitators and friends are committed to supporting Tasmanian Leaders and volunteer their time and expertise to support our strategic mission to cultivate leadership and connectivity across Tasmania.

Our facilitators work across our programs bringing deep expertise in leadership development, executive coaching and systems change.

Our friends are our regular supporters who continually volunteer to share their experience and expertise with our program participants.

Rosie Batty AO

Regular speaker

Rosie became an outspoken and dynamic crusader against domestic violence, which led her to be named Australian of the Year in January 2015. She was Chair of the first ever Victim Survivor’s Advisory Council for the Victorian Government and has also been inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women. Rosie is a recipient of The Pride of Australia National Courage Medal and received an Honorary Doctorate in 2017 from the University of the Sunshine Coast for her contribution to raising national awareness and action concerning Family Violence. Rosie received an Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday 2019 Honours List.

Martin Beeche


Martin Beeche is an entrepreneur and multi-faceted leader from the education, technology and financial services sectors. His experience of being a corporate CEO, multiple start-up founder, nof-for-profit non-executive director, investment bank managing director and elite athlete, allows for a true understanding of what it takes to be a great leader. Martin has a passion for helping people live to their full potential and inspiring them to create a life filled with meaning, self-awareness and purpose. Since 2020, Martin has been a senior facilitator and program designer with Pilot Light, bringing a unique blend of leadership experience and cutting-edge research to his work

Martin Beeche - Pilot Light

Katy Cooper


A visionary leader, Katy blends futurism with a hands-on approach in her business DisruptiveCo Pty Ltd. Working with her clients to build stories of their organisation's potential futures, she focuses on crafting and implementing strategic plans and support systems that shape their future now. An evangelical Tasmanian, Katy has worked across industry at home to develop a collection of the potential future stories for our state. She is passionate about helping shape the way we step up to future challenges and collaborate to meet the opportunities of a future where we all thrive.

Katy Cooper - DISCO

Zoë Coyle


Zoë Coyle is an author, film and theatre actor, Dare to Lead™ facilitator, highly sought after MC and keynote speaker. She has over twenty years’ experience in the corporate sector, creating and delivering workshops and facilitating people from all walks of life. Since 2008 her company Pilot Light has worked with individuals and companies such as Microsoft, Google, IBM and EO, to unleash self-awareness. 

Zoë Coyle - Pilot Light

Rodney Croome AM

Regular speaker

Rodney was the National Director of Australian Marriage Equality and co-authored the first book on the issue published in Australia. Rodney became a Member of the Order of Australia in 2003, was named Tasmanian Australian of the Year in 2015 and awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Tasmania in 2019. Currently, Rodney is President of Equality Tasmania and a board member of the Australian LGBTIQA+ advocacy group, Just.Equal.

Angela Driver


Angela has been employed with Tasmanian Leaders since 2011, becoming the CEO in 2021. During this tenure she completed the Art and Practice of Adaptive Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education in Boston and successfully completed a Brain Based Coaching certificate with the Neuro Leadership Institute. She established the Junction Arts Festival after completing a Churchill Fellowship into performance events for social change in 2007. In 2011 she was awarded the Northern Young Professional of the Year, through the Launceston Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards.

Angela Driver

Naomi Edwards

Regular speaker

Naomi is the current Chair and National Director of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), and has more than 20 years of board experience, including at ASX-listed companies, superannuation funds, government entities and not-for-profits. In 2023 she was President of the Actuaries Institute of Australia, and she was a director of the AICD board from 2018–22. Naomi is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries (Australia) and a former partner of Deloitte. Naomi has had an executive career in the life insurance industry and has also worked extensively with fund managers and superannuation funds, in the Industry Super, retail ESG and ethical super spaces. She currently works as a chair and non-executive director across a variety of listed and unlisted companies.

Naomi Edwards - AICD

Dale Elphinstone AO

Regular speaker

Dale is the founder and executive chairman of Elphinstone which has been designing, manufacturing and supplying heavy equipment to the mining industry for over 40 years. In 2019, Dale was named an Officer of the Order of Australia for distinguished service to business, particularly to the resources and manufacturing sectors, and to the community of Tasmania.

Dale Elphinstone - Elphinstone Pty Ltd

Lynda Jones


Lynda is an educator who moved to strategic communications and engagement. She is a skilled process designer and facilitator of groups of all sizes. She is also effective in organisational development processes, tools and programs particularly around change management through the Four Rooms of Change construct. She has worked with many groups to bring about common purpose and productivity improvements. In this work, her great love is working on managing the balance of accommodating change while maintaining what matters most to a community.

Lynda Jones - the noa group
Dr Polly McGee

Dr Polly McGee


Dr Polly McGee is a trauma trained neuroleadership consultant, psychotherapist, author and speaker and Dare to Lead™ facilitator. They spend their time in organisations building trauma informed leadership capacity and psychologically safe, productive cultures; speaking and leading workshops; and working with clients in their private therapy practice. Polly specialises in making understanding the complex neuroscience of humans and leadership practical, entertaining and operational into organisations and cultures.

Polly McGee - DISCO

Ben Pangas


As a leadership development specialist, Ben brings expertise in community and human development. With 20 years working in grassroots and international development, Ben understands what it takes to lead meaningfully and effectively in diverse environments. As an accredited counsellor and developmental coach, he collaborates with senior leaders who seek the depth and clarity needed to build stronger teams, foster richer connections, and create lasting impact. “The process of becoming a leader is, if not identical, certainly similar to the process of becoming a fully integrated human being.” – Warren Bennis Ben offers, accredited Counselling, Executive Coaching and designs Team Development Programs

Ben Pangas

Dr Tomas Remenyi


Dr Tomas Remenyi is a climate services professional expert at translating complex climate science into useful, accessible products, tools or advice. Tom focuses on meaningful engagement with stakeholders to rapidly determine the nexus of where their needs intersect with what known science can actually deliver. Tom has a dynamic mix of science and commerce training that allows him to view both the research and commercial sectors from a perspective that differs from others. As a ‘systems thinker’ Tom is always trying to figure out what the blockers are to positive change within society across multiple sectors. Tom has recently moved from academia into the climate services sector where he uses his abilities to help strategic decision makers plan for the coming challenges into the future.  

Tomas Remenyi

Simon Tyrrell


Simon Tyrrell is a tech expert and co-founder of Humaie, working with organisations to plan and implement Generative AI solutions. Based in Tasmania, Simon is a technology expert with over 18 years of experience working some of the biggest brands and transforming the way people approach innovation by providing advice on their digital technology strategies.

Simon Tyrrell

Steve Willing


Steve is a graduate of the 2009 Tasmanian Leaders Program. A trained facilitator and certified executive coach who has facilitated leadership, personal and organisational development for over 20 years. He has facilitated in complex environments in the primary industries, community, emergency services, government and private sectors. His background includes agricultural extension, outdoor leadership expeditions in USA, NZ and Australia and organisational development for the Tasmania Fire Service.

Steve Willing