Applying for the 2026 Tasmanian Leaders Program is simple. Just follow these straightforward steps.
Get ready
Before starting the application process, we recommend you read the Tasmanian Leaders Program 2025 Information Pack. This provides details about what to expect, key dates and benefits to you and your employer. Please note the full 2026 information pack will be available in early 2025.
It is also worth talking with one or more Program graduates to hear about their leadership development journey and experience from their own perspective. You can do this by attending one of our Information Sessions, or getting in contact with a past graduate via our Graduate Search.
Attendance at the Information Sessions is not compulsory, but strongly encouraged to help you to find the answers to your questions, and get to know our team.
Complete your application form
To complete the application form simply click Apply Now and type your responses directly into the spaces provided in the online form.
- You can return to your saved work at any point using the details that will be emailed to you.
- Complete all sections in full.
- Don’t be modest, though make sure your answers are concise and to the point.
We’ve provided a Sample application form in the Resources section on this page so you can review what’s involved
Submit your application form
Submit your final application online by noon on 1 October. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email.
Short-listing & Interviews
The Tasmanian Leaders Program selection panel reviews all applications and prepares a shortlist for interview.
Shortlisted applicants should prepare for interviews at the end of October.
We aim to let applicants know before the end of the year of the outcome of their application.
Every year many highly qualified applicants are not chosen for the Tasmanian Leaders Program. Program places are hotly contested, with strict limitations on the number of participants and diversity requirements.
If you are not successful in 2026, we do encourage you to reapply in subsequent years.
Frequently asked questions:
- What can I do if I am having IT difficulties in accessing or completing the online application form?
Please contact us for assistance. - What is the Tasmanian Leaders Privacy Policy?
You can view our privacy policy here. - How do I apply for a scholarship?
See the information on the Scholarships page. - When are the free online information sessions?
There will be two sessions in August:
- What about the fine print?
Please review the Tasmanian Leaders Program Terms and Conditions